The Bison Ballistics calculator is a modern ballistics calculator for sportsmen. To use it, just pick two bullet from our library, fill in the appropriate information and click "Calculate".
Just select two bullets, and then enter a muzzle velocity for each one. The calculator will generate trajectories for each bullet and output comparison data.
The comparison tool is a simplified calculator to get a basic idea as to how two bullets will perform. The calculator makes the following assumptions:
Zero Range | The zero range isn't relevant to this calculation - it reports total drop, which is adequate for comparison purposes. |
Wind Speed | The wind speed is assumed to be 10 mph. |
Wind Heading | A wind from 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock is assumed (full value left to right from the shooter's perspective). |
Sight Height | Like the zero range, sight height isn't relevant to this calculation - it reports total drop, which is adequate for comparison purposes. |
Temperature | The temperature of the air is that of the IACO standard atmosphere - 59 ºF. |
Pressure | The absolute (station) pressure is assumed to be that of the ICAO standard atmosphere - 29.92 mmHg. |
Relative Humidity | The absolute (station) pressure is assumed to be that of the ICAO standard atmosphere - 0%. |
Then use the fully featured Ballistics Calculator. It allows for more inputs so you can get a more accurate trajectory that will apply to your specific conditions.
Yes, there are a few to do that without actually purchasing the bullets and testing. The first is to use our quick and easy Velocity Estimation Calculator, which will give you a very rough idea of what you can expect. Other, potentially more accurate ways would be to use a reloading manual or QuickLOAD to get a more detailed estimate. QuickLOAD is probably going to provide the most accurate estimate.
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